2 The Remix Album

1. 2Pac
Master Mix
2. When We Ride On Our Enemies (Bounce Mix)
3. Will There Ever Be Peace (Bass Line Mix)
4. Now Watcha Gonna Do (Dangerous Mix)
5. Words To My First Born (Put Your Hands Where My Eyez Can See Mix)
6. Who Do You Believe In (Luv 2 Luv U Mix)
7. Little Homies (Pistol Grip Pump Mix)
8. 96 BIG Bodies Sittin' On Chrome (More Bounce Mix)
9. Military State Of Mind (Atomic Dog Mix)
10. What's Next (Flex Mix)
11.Tear Drops (You Make Me Wanna Mix)
12. Wendy Williams Diss (Rapper Depper Snapper Mix)
13. There'll Never Be Peace (Independence Day Mix)
14. It's Over Mix (Straight Ballin: Id Rather Be Your Nigga, I'm A Ridah,
It's Over)